Thursday, December 27, 2012

Merry Christmas Y'all!

G and I headed to San Antonio (and Floresville) for Christmas.
Santa was certainly good to us this year!

We spent Christmas Eve in San Antonio
Shelby says "Merry Christmas!"

New running shoes!

"Party in a Bag"

Ready for colder weather :)

Christmas Eve drinks on the porch

Christmas Day we went to Floresville

Uncle Mike, Gareth, and Dad talking sh*t all day...

Ash, Mom, Symbrey (my cousin's baby), and Meme (Grandma)

Symbrey really liked my sparkly jewelry...and silly faces...

And, as if we hadn't eaten enough all weekend, we made
a stop at the famous Chris Madrid's for THE BEST burgers!

Gareth's first Big Cheesey (a.k.a. the Big Ass Burger)

After lunch, we got hot tea and walked around the Japanese Tea Gardens.
We did need to walk off those burgers we had for lunch...

On our way back home to Austin, we made a stop at the Snake Farm!


Gareth and Ashley

I wanted to take this funny little guy home!

Gareth poking the wildlife
I realize there are no pictures of snakes...and for very good reason. They were scary!