Thursday, January 24, 2013

Monkeying Around...

This is what happens when I turn my back for 2 minutes on laundry day...

 Sunday. NFL. Beautiful Weather. Wings. Beer. Perfect.

An early birthday dinner with my love...amazing! 

Love always xxx

Sunday, January 6, 2013


Gareth, Aaron, Erika, and I went to the Texas Stars hockey game!
There were fights, broken hockey sticks, and best of all... we won!
Texas Stars

The Flying Hamburger!

It got soooo close! Almost took a bite!

Hockey Love xxxxx

Dear Sunshine, We Love You

Now that the sun is finally back out, 
we hit the town for some good ol' Austin fun!

Eric Tessmer Band

G and Aaron



The Beautiful SUN!

Not a cloud in the sky...